Author Archives: John Melley

TVOMP 001: Are You a Voice Over Commodity?

Are You a Commodity?

I was recently at a Marketing Conference and during one of the sessions the presenter asked an interesting question. The question was: “Are you a commodity?” Nobody likes to think about themselves as a commodity, but then to rub it in further he asked 2 more questions that determined whether you/your business is a commodity or not. What were the two questions? What are the Top 5 services you provide to your clients? And… does your competition provide those same services? If the answer is yes, alas you are a commodity. (You should have heard the groans.)

Does that mean we are doomed to be equated with bushels of wheat, or barrels of oil? H-E-ck NO!

In this Episode You Will Learn:

  • How To Differentiate Your Voice Over Business from Others
  • Get the Keys to Unlock Your Pricing from “Lowest Bid Wins”
  • Develop Your Unique Selling Proposition
  • How to Create Your “Godiva Zone”
  • 4 Questions to Ask Yourself to Create Loyal Clients and Raving Fans and
  • Much More

For Access to the Original Article this episode was based on, please click here.

For more information about John Melley, Please visit: