Author Archives: John Melley

Episode 20 Having A Mindset for Prosperity

In this episode I discuss how our attitudes about money and how we feel about others making money may be affecting our ability to earn more for ourselves.

I talk about:

  • The importance of the language we use, e.g. “Giving Back” vs. “Donating”
  • How we feel when others charge for services – are we jealous?
  • How More Customers DOES NOT equal More $$.
  • Reframing Entry Fees as Marketing Expenses
  • And More

I’m Hosting a Webinar with!

John Florian has graciously invited me to conduct a webinar for It’s on July 9th.

I’m really excited to share some information with you that changed FOREVER:

  • The way I look at the income I earn,
  • How I spend my resources and
  • How I value my time.

I must admit, the first time someone shared with me the information I’m going to cover in the webinar, I was a bit frustrated and candidly, angry that no one had shared this with me before.

You may feel the same way when I share it with you

But I knew it made total sense and I’m sure once you see it, you will think so too.

It showed me that I needed to differentiate myself in the marketplace of the services I provide and compete in ways other than simply having the “Best prices.” {Best for whom?}

You can learn more by clicking here:

Using Your Personal Story to Market Your Business – Continued

The last episode (Episode 19 – Do You Have Time for A Story) has been extremely popular. Lot’s of folks took advantage of the opportunity to download a free copy of my Marketing Piece that I use with new clients.

Click here To obtain a FREE copy of my Marketing Piece that uses my Voice Over Journey Story_PictureStory

“Meldawg’s Book Club”

Meldawg In the Woods

Years ago after a station concert I was imbibing a few beers with some colleagues at local pub when they – for some unknown reason – started referring to me as… (Click here to read more)

The Show Keeps GROWING!

We’ve had 11,482 downloads as of this writing! Thanks for continuing to spread the word!

The Voice Over “Definition” T-Shirt!

Voice Over “Definition” T-Shirt

This Episode is sponsored by the Voice Over Definition T-Shirt. Let your clothing do the talking for YOU for a change!

I had a brainstorm and came up with these designs. Fun T-Shirts that shout out and define what you do… literally!

Have fun and order one for you and a friend right now! All orders fulfilled by

Recommended Resource!

Do you spend your days (and nights?) staring at computer monitors and hand held devices? Have you noticed that it’s affecting your vision? You know I’m BIG into peak performance and health/wellness.

Z-health is the company that developed the training system that I use with my trainer to stay flexible. First and foremost, Z-health is a complete training system that puts you back in control of your own performance. By using the nervous system to rapidly “debug” your movement patterns, you can create lightning-fast improvements in performance. (Plus pain relief, injury prevention, and mindset.)

As an educational company, the goal of Z-Health Performance is to help create professionals in the top 1% of their respective fields.

They’ve recently developed a Product called “The Vision Gym” It is VERY Cool! If you’re finding it harder to see then check this out…

This IS an Affiliate Link. If you choose to purchase the product I will earn a commission. I only recommend something to you if I’ve used it myself and think it is well worth the value. This is one of those products! And it’s very cool!

John Signature

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to chare your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

If you’d like more information on coaching and mastermind group opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.

Episode 19: Using Your Own Personal Voice Over Story in Your Marketing

Do You Have Time For A Story?

In this episode I share a fairly advanced marketing tactic with you about using your own personal story to grow your Voice Over Business.

I’ve got some great materials to refer to during this episode, so check ’em out as you follow along.

  1. Click here To obtain a FREE copy of my Marketing Piece that uses my Voice Over Journey Story_PictureStory
  2. Click Here to see the Video I mentioned that Harry Legg made about growing his Voice Over business.
  3. Listen to how I use my story in my marketing. Will Lee from “One Thing Required” Podcast turned the tables and interviewed me!

It’s All About “Know, Like and Trust”

People buy (Companies don’t buy – people in companies make the decision) from people they know, people they like and people they trust . We help them get to know us better through sharing stories about ourselves and by sharing experiences with them

How can you use your story in your marketing?

Write it up. Include Naysayers, Supporters, Victories and Setbacks
Everyone has experienced all of these things and they can relate to them. They are called paths of entry. People identify with different things you share and they start to Know, Like and Trust you.
The question then becomes “How can we get people we want to do business with, to trust us”?

If you listen to my podcast you will hear references of my past experiences dropped into the program. I want people to know them.I share life experiences in the podcast. Put on your web page. How many times do you go to a web page and one of the first pages you click on is the “About” page?

  • Don’t be afraid to put something in your story that may bother or turn off some people.
  • Your story can act as a filter and keep people away from you that you may not want to work with and it will attract others to you who will want to ONLY work with you.

Yeah! We want to know their story! Give it to them!
Voice it as an MP3 on your page
Write up an article and give it to new clients you’re just getting started with
Make it a part of the fabric of your marketing

There is nothing unethical about this. Everything in the story is true (Remember it’s all about “Know, Like and Trust.) It attracts clients. It makes them comfortable with you.

Send me your Feedback and let me know how it goes!

“Meldawg’s Book Club”

Meldawg In the Woods

Years ago after a station concert I was imbibing a few beers with some colleagues at local pub when they – for some unknown reason – started referring to me as… (Click here to read more)

The Show Keeps GROWING!

We’ve had 10,951 downloads as of this writing! Thanks for continuing to spread the word!

The Voice Over “Definition” T-Shirt!

Voice Over “Definition” T-Shirt

This Episode is sponsored by the Voice Over Definition T-Shirt. Let your clothing do the talking for YOU for a change!

I had a brainstorm and came up with these designs. Fun T-Shirts that shout out and define what you do… literally!

Have fun and order one for you and a friend right now! All orders fulfilled by

Recommended Resource!

Do you spend your days (and nights?) staring at computer monitors and hand held devices? Have you noticed that it’s affecting your vision? You know I’m BIG into peak performance and health/wellness.

Z-health is the company that developed the training system that I use with my trainer to stay flexible. First and foremost, Z-health is a complete training system that puts you back in control of your own performance. By using the nervous system to rapidly “debug” your movement patterns, you can create lightning-fast improvements in performance. (Plus pain relief, injury prevention, and mindset.)

As an educational company, the goal of Z-Health Performance is to help create professionals in the top 1% of their respective fields.

They’ve recently developed a Product called “The Vision Gym” It is VERY Cool! If you’re finding it harder to see then check this out…

This IS an Affiliate Link. If you choose to purchase the product I will earn a commission. I only recommend something to you if I’ve used it myself and think it is well worth the value. This is one of those products! And it’s very cool!

John Signature

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to chare your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

If you’d like more information on coaching and mastermind group opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.

Episode 18 How To Get Voice Over Work Using A Paper Plate!

OK pure tactics in this episode. Direct MailIMG_2337

I haven’t done this exact mailing, but I’ve done similar mailings and used the principals from it and they apply to all marketing pieces.

Here Are the Principles

Write this down: “AIDA” It stands for:

  • Attention
  • Interest
  • Desire
  • Action

Here’s How This Came About

One of my coaching clients decided she wanted to do more agency stuff. The first step is get a list of ad agencies within a certain geographic area.


We need to attract attention. People want to be entertained. They’re bored. Another CD and cover letter isn’t going to cut through. How? Mail something different than CD or an email. Something with dimension, not just an envelope.

Tips for Preparing Envelopes That Get Opened

  1. Hand address the outside of package. No labels
  2. Put “Do Not Bend” on the outside of the package.
  3. Get stamps and put them on (multiple if necessary – not a metered stamp)
  4. Want this to look as “Hand done” as possible.

Interest – Solve Their Problem

They work hard and with a lot of clients and crazy deadlines. What’s their problem? Getting out for lunch.

Write a letter and put a paper plate and a plastic fork in with it. (See Picture above for what goes on the paper plate.

Here’s A Sample Letter

Dear {Name of specific contact} Not to whom it may concern

You’re probably wondering why I’ve enclosed a paper plate, fork and napkin in this envelope. Well, I’m a local voice over talent and my experience has shown me you folks in the ad agency world are really busy and have a hard time getting out for lunch.

I thought I’d help you out putting together a handy guide of restaurants very close to your office and their menus so you can choose what you’d like to have for lunch.

I’ve only selected one of each type of cuisine to give you a variety to choose from.

I’ve also included a CD of my most recent demo, so when you’re looking for a little variety in your voice talent pool you might give mine a listen and consider me for your next project.

I hope this is helpful and I look forward to hearing from you very soon.

Bon Appetite!


People love food! They’ll associate you with something positive.


They order from the menus and they think of you each time. They’ll order from your VO too.

Get Others To Pay For This

How would you like to hear about a way that this will pay for itself? Create a booklet and charge the restaurants an advertising fee to be in your exclusive resource.

$20 gets ‘em in. You’re only letting 1 of each type of restaurant in the guide. If they say no – you tell them you’re going to their competition. If you get 10 restaurants in then there’s $200 to play with for postage and materials. 20 then it’s $400.

You put together a guide that has your voice over contact information on the cover and the footer of each page.

Wanna do regular updates to pay for your mailings on a regular basis? Put the restaurants on a subscription and mail monthly updates to your guides along with your demo info to stay in front of them each month.

Let me know how it works!

“Meldawg’s Book Club”

Meldawg In the Woods

Years ago after a station concert I was imbibing a few beers with some colleagues at local pub when they – for some unknown reason – started referring to me as… (Click here to read more)

The Show Keeps GROWING!

We’ve had 10,469 downloads as of this writing! Thanks for continuing to spread the word!

The Voice Over “Definition” T-Shirt!

Voice Over “Definition” T-Shirt

This Episode is sponsored by the Voice Over Definition T-Shirt. Let your clothing do the talking for YOU for a change!

I had a brainstorm and came up with these designs. Fun T-Shirts that shout out and define what you do… literally!

Have fun and order one for you and a friend right now! All orders fulfilled by

Recommended Resource!

Do you spend your days (and nights?) staring at computer monitors and hand held devices? Have you noticed that it’s affecting your vision? You know I’m BIG into peak performance and health/wellness.

Z-health is the company that developed the training system that I use with my trainer to stay flexible. First and foremost, Z-health is a complete training system that puts you back in control of your own performance. By using the nervous system to rapidly “debug” your movement patterns, you can create lightning-fast improvements in performance. (Plus pain relief, injury prevention, and mindset.)

As an educational company, the goal of Z-Health Performance is to help create professionals in the top 1% of their respective fields.

They’ve recently developed a Product called “The Vision Gym” It is VERY Cool! If you’re finding it harder to see then check this out…

This IS an Affiliate Link. If you choose to purchase the product I will earn a commission. I only recommend something to you if I’ve used it myself and think it is well worth the value. This is one of those products! And it’s very cool!

John Signature

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to chare your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

If you’d like more information on coaching and mastermind group opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.

Episode 17: How To Handle Projects That Are Against your Morals or Ethics

If you’ve been in the Voice Over world for any length of time, if it hasn’t happened already, you will eventually be approached by a prospective client, organization or business advocating something that might not square with your morals, values, ethic, beliefs, etc.

The debate sometimes centers on something like “If you’re a professional you sometimes need to set your personal feelings aside and do the job, because that’s what’s called for.”

That might work sometimes. But I believe you need to be true to yourself. Everyone sees the world through their own lens due to their particular set of experiences. What you might object to, might be perfectly acceptable to others.

If you’re in business for yourself, I believe you have the right to choose to work with the people you want to work with. I also believe you always do a better job for clients when you feel good about the projects you work on for them.

Personally, I need to look myself in the mirror. In my opinion, taking work just for the money is scarcity thinking. There’s always more opportunity in areas that you’re comfortable working in.

If There’s a Conflict, Here are 7 Things You Should Do

  1. Determine How Much of A Conflict There Is
  2. Bounce the Situation Off an Impartial Trusted Advisor
  3. Speak With the Person of Influence Directly
  4. Be Honest and Explain Your Conflict
  5. Don’t Say “I Can’t” – Takes away your power. Say “I need to decline this opportunity for those reasons.” Or something to that effect.
  6. Thank the person for understanding
  7. Be Firm.
  8. BONUS: Work from a script. Write your thoughts and points you want to be sure to make during your conversation.

“Meldawg’s Book Club”

Meldawg In the Woods

Years ago after a station concert I was imbibing a few beers with some colleagues at local pub when they – for some unknown reason – started referring to me as… (Click here to read more)

The Show Keeps GROWING!

We’ve had 10,103 downloads as of this writing! Thanks for continuing to spread the word!

The Voice Over “Definition” T-Shirt!

Voice Over “Definition” T-Shirt

This Episode is sponsored by the Voice Over Definition T-Shirt. Let your clothing do the talking for YOU for a change!

I had a brainstorm and came up with these designs. Fun T-Shirts that shout out and define what you do… literally!

Have fun and order one for you and a friend right now! All orders fulfilled by

Recommended Resource!

Do you spend your days (and nights?) staring at computer monitors and hand held devices? Have you noticed that it’s affecting your vision? You know I’m BIG into peak performance and health/wellness.

Z-health is the company that developed the training system that I use with my trainer to stay flexible. First and foremost, Z-health is a complete training system that puts you back in control of your own performance. By using the nervous system to rapidly “debug” your movement patterns, you can create lightning-fast improvements in performance. (Plus pain relief, injury prevention, and mindset.)

As an educational company, the goal of Z-Health Performance is to help create professionals in the top 1% of their respective fields.

They’ve recently developed a Product called “The Vision Gym” It is VERY Cool! If you’re finding it harder to see then check this out…

This IS an Affiliate Link. If you choose to purchase the product I will earn a commission. I only recommend something to you if I’ve used it myself and think it is well worth the value. This is one of those products! And it’s very cool!

John Signature

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to chare your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

If you’d like more information on coaching and mastermind group opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.

Episode 16 The Goose That Lays The Golden Egg

Opening Music: “Mission” From the Album Hold Your Fire by Rush

Hold Your Fire
Keep it burning bright
Hold the flame ’til the dream ignites
A Spirit with a vision
Is a dream
With a Mission

Lyrics by Peart. Music by Lee, Lifeson and Peart

Special Guest Mandla Nkosi


Mandla Nkosi

Mandla combines Joint Mobility, Kettlebell Training and Body-Weight Exercises to provide pain free, movement-based solutions to fitness enthusiasts and elite athletes alike.

Mandla strips every routine, exercise and drill down to its basic components to ensure that you receive a complete and comprehensive understanding of what is involved. He aims to promote a love for movement and athleticism, that takes his clients way beyond their expectations and goals, to achieve powerful and enduring results.

Mandla has provided physical training for over ten years to clients ranging from children to adults and fitness newcomers to professional athletes. For the past six years, he has consistently taught classes in his own studio as well as successfully implemented other programs in a number of fitness facilities.

In This Episode We Discuss:

  • How Everyone is an Athlete (We all use our bodies to accomplish our work)
  • How even SITTING takes a certain type of training!
  • Comparing Sedentary Vs. Active – An athlete wouldn’t train for 12+ hours everyday. You shouldn’t sit for 12+ hours a day either. Both take a physical toll
  • Don’t underestimate the power of good nutrition
  • Your Capacity for Productivity and Earning Potential Increases the healthier you are
  • And Much More!

John’s Before and After Pictures





To reach Mandla please visit his web site at Boston Kettlebell

“Meldawg’s Book Club”

Meldawg In the Woods

Years ago after a station concert I was imbibing a few beers with some colleagues at local pub when they – for some unknown reason – started referring to me as… (Click here to read more)

The Show Keeps GROWING!

We’ve had 9,794 downloads as of this writing! Thanks for continuing to spread the word!

The Voice Over “Definition” T-Shirt!

Voice Over “Definition” T-Shirt

This Episode is sponsored by the Voice Over Definition T-Shirt. Let your clothing do the talking for YOU for a change!

I had a brainstorm and came up with these designs. Fun T-Shirts that shout out and define what you do… literally!

Have fun and order one for you and a friend right now! All orders fulfilled by

Recommended Resource!

Do you spend your days (and nights?) staring at computer monitors and hand held devices? Have you noticed that it’s affecting your vision? You know I’m BIG into peak performance and health/wellness.

Z-health is the company that developed the training system that I use with my trainer to stay flexible. First and foremost, Z-health is a complete training system that puts you back in control of your own performance. By using the nervous system to rapidly “debug” your movement patterns, you can create lightning-fast improvements in performance. (Plus pain relief, injury prevention, and mindset.)

As an educational company, the goal of Z-Health Performance is to help create professionals in the top 1% of their respective fields.

They’ve recently developed a Product called “The Vision Gym” It is VERY Cool! If you’re finding it harder to see then check this out…

This IS an Affiliate Link. If you choose to purchase the product I will earn a commission. I only recommend something to you if I’ve used it myself and think it is well worth the value. This is one of those products! And it’s very cool!

John Signature

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to chare your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

If you’d like more information on coaching and mastermind group opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.

How To Use Pinterest For Your Voice Over Business by Marc Scott

Here’s a guest post from fellow Voice Actor, Marc Scott about using Pinterest to Market Our VO Businesses.

marc scott

Marc Scott

Have you ever questioned whether you’re a voice actor or a social media manger? Sometimes it likely feels like the latter. With so many social networks at your disposal, and with the benefits of maintaining a presence on them, it can become quite time consuming!

The standard networks most voice actors seem to use are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+. But, have you ever considered trying out Pinterest?

More Than Just Recipes

I avoided Pinterest for years. In fact, I felt fortunate that it was an “unnecessary” social network for me. It meant it was one less website demanding my time!

As far as I could tell, it was a great place to share recipes, craft ideas, fashion photos and motivational quotes. Beyond that, there was seemingly no benefit to me as a voice actor.

Turns out, it’s more than just recipes!

How To Use Pinterest For Your Voice Over Business

I’ve only been on Pinterest for a few months. However, I’ve already got a few different boards set up and I believe they’ll be a benefit to my voice over business.

I have a board set up for my demos – Follow It

I have a board for my Explainer Videos – Follow It

I have a board for my other voice work – Follow It

I have a board for voice over “stuff” – Follow It

One Benefit Of Pinterest

One of the great things about Pinterest is that it gives me a place to collect all my content in one place.

I specialize in voice over work for animated explainer videos. If a client asks to hear samples of my work, I can send them to my Pinterest board and many of my projects are there! Easy.

If you specialize in different niche areas, you could set up a board for each one.

The best part… it’s not nearly as time consuming as you might think!

Adding samples of your voice over work to Pinterest is as simple as copying links from YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud or wherever else your content is posted.

It’ll take some time to set up your boards initially. However, once they’re done, it’s a few minutes here and there each time you want to add something new.

Unlike other social networks, you don’t need to be on Pinterest daily to make it useful and enjoy the benefits.

If you’d like to check out my Pinterest account to get some ideas visit

Happy pinning!


“Meldawg’s Book Club”

Meldawg In the Woods

Years ago after a station concert I was imbibing a few beers with some colleagues at local pub when they – for some unknown reason – started referring to me as… (Click here to read more)

The Show Keeps GROWING!

We’ve had 6,139 downloads as of this writing! Thanks for continuing to spread the word!

The Voice Over “Definition” T-Shirt!

Voice Over “Definition” T-Shirt

This Episode is sponsored by the Voice Over Definition T-Shirt. Let your clothing do the talking for YOU for a change!

I had a brainstorm and came up with these designs. Fun T-Shirts that shout out and define what you do… literally!

Have fun and order one for you and a friend right now! All orders fulfilled by

Recommended Resource!

Do you spend your days (and nights?) staring at computer monitors and hand held devices? Have you noticed that it’s affecting your vision? You know I’m BIG into peak performance and health/wellness.

Z-health is the company that developed the training system that I use with my trainer to stay flexible. First and foremost, Z-health is a complete training system that puts you back in control of your own performance. By using the nervous system to rapidly “debug” your movement patterns, you can create lightning-fast improvements in performance. (Plus pain relief, injury prevention, and mindset.)

As an educational company, the goal of Z-Health Performance is to help create professionals in the top 1% of their respective fields.

They’ve recently developed a Product called “The Vision Gym” It is VERY Cool! If you’re finding it harder to see then check this out…

This IS an Affiliate Link. If you choose to purchase the product I will earn a commission. I only recommend something to you if I’ve used it myself and think it is well worth the value. This is one of those products! And it’s very cool!

John Signature

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to chare your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

If you’d like more information on coaching and mastermind group opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2014 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.

Episode 15 How To Use and Create Videos to Market Your Business

Special Guest Zephan Blaxberg


Zephan Blaxberg

You’re going to love my conversation with Zephan. During the interview we discuss:

  • The 6 Different Types of Videos Every Business should have to market their business
  • How To Survey Your Favorite Clients to Attract More Just Like Them
  • How to Overcome Being Camera-Shy
  • Information on Attending Zephan’s Free Webinar on creating Powerful Videos just using your iPhone and
  • Much More

Here’s Information on Attending Zephan’s Free event Friday March 21, 2014! Hurry!

Are you a small business owner who wants to create your own professional marketing videos to promote your business?

Join me in viewing my friend and “go-to” video guy, Zephan Blaxberg who is hosting a FREE WEBINAR where you will discover how he used video to make $18,000 in just 41 days and how you can too (without any fancy equipment or on camera training).

On this FREE WEBINAR you will discover…

– The six types of videos you need to create right now in your business to increase your visibility and profits

– A simple “Point + Aim + Shoot” Formula to creating professional looking videos on your iPhone

– Zephan’s #1 strategy for using videos to enroll new clients.

Reserve your spot now! Yes right now!

“Meldawg’s Book Club”

Meldawg In the Woods

Years ago after a station concert I was imbibing a few beers with some colleagues at local pub when they – for some unknown reason – started referring to me as… (Click here to read more)

The Show Keeps GROWING!

We’ve had 6,139 downloads as of this writing! Thanks for continuing to spread the word!

The Voice Over “Definition” T-Shirt!

Voice Over “Definition” T-Shirt

This Episode is sponsored by the Voice Over Definition T-Shirt. Let your clothing do the talking for YOU for a change!

I had a brainstorm and came up with these designs. Fun T-Shirts that shout out and define what you do… literally!

Have fun and order one for you and a friend right now! All orders fulfilled by

Recommended Resource!

Do you spend your days (and nights?) staring at computer monitors and hand held devices? Have you noticed that it’s affecting your vision? You know I’m BIG into peak performance and health/wellness.

Z-health is the company that developed the training system that I use with my trainer to stay flexible. First and foremost, Z-health is a complete training system that puts you back in control of your own performance. By using the nervous system to rapidly “debug” your movement patterns, you can create lightning-fast improvements in performance. (Plus pain relief, injury prevention, and mindset.)

As an educational company, the goal of Z-Health Performance is to help create professionals in the top 1% of their respective fields.

They’ve recently developed a Product called “The Vision Gym” It is VERY Cool! If you’re finding it harder to see then check this out…

This IS an Affiliate Link. If you choose to purchase the product I will earn a commission. I only recommend something to you if I’ve used it myself and think it is well worth the value. This is one of those products! And it’s very cool!

John Signature

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to chare your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

If you’d like more information on coaching and mastermind group opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.

Episode_14 Evernote – A Powerful Productivity Tool

Special Message from Pat Fraley


Pat Fraley

“Nicole Nielson, my ill student who you so generously supported last year, needs help. She is a warrior. She is still fighting the horrible effects of Parry Romberg Syndrome With your donations, she has been able to visit doctors in the U.S., and get critical diagnoses. She has lost much of her ability to speak, hearing in one ear, and hearing in the other is leaving her. She has saved almost enough of your donations to have surgery to reconstruct her eustachian tube, which will give her hearing back.”

Here is how you can help.

1. Consider enrolling in Pat Fraley’s new Home Course Study. All proceeds will go to Nicole and her up-coming surgery. Here’s a link:
2. Purchase any of Pat’s instructional sets, and your fee will go to Nicole.
3. Donate any amount, following this link:
Send any donation via PayPal to:
You can also send a check payable to:
“Nicole Nielson or Pat Fraley”
Patrick Fraley
12400 Ventura Blvd. #115
Studio City, CA 91604

Special Guest Stephen Labuda


Stephen Labuda

Stephen is a web veteran with a well over a decade of experience building and managing websites for businesses and non-profit organizations of all sizes. He founded AGENCY 3.0 to combine his creative pursuits with his love of all things geeky.  Through the years, Stephen has stayed focused on using the web to help small and mid-sized companies achieve their online and offline business goals. This focus on the client’s goals means that his company starts every project by developing an understanding of the business objectives and how we can apply design and technology to achieve them.

You can reach Stephen via twitter

Resources Mentioned In Interview


Announcing “Meldawg’s Book Club”

Meldawg In the Woods

Years ago after a station concert I was imbibing a few beers with some colleagues at local pub when they – for some unknown reason – started referring to me as… (Click here to read more)

The Show Keeps GROWING!

We’ve had 6,139 downloads as of this writing! Thanks for continuing to spread the word!

The Voice Over “Definition” T-Shirt!

Voice Over “Definition” T-Shirt

This Episode is sponsored by the Voice Over Definition T-Shirt. Let your clothing do the talking for YOU for a change!

I had a brainstorm and came up with these designs. Fun T-Shirts that shout out and define what you do… literally!

Have fun and order one for you and a friend right now! All orders fulfilled by

Recommended Resource!

Do you spend your days (and nights?) staring at computer monitors and hand held devices? Have you noticed that it’s affecting your vision? You know I’m BIG into peak performance and health/wellness.

Z-health is the company that developed the training system that I use with my trainer to stay flexible. First and foremost, Z-health is a complete training system that puts you back in control of your own performance. By using the nervous system to rapidly “debug” your movement patterns, you can create lightning-fast improvements in performance. (Plus pain relief, injury prevention, and mindset.)

As an educational company, the goal of Z-Health Performance is to help create professionals in the top 1% of their respective fields.

They’ve recently developed a Product called “The Vision Gym” It is VERY Cool! If you’re finding it harder to see then check this out…

This IS an Affiliate Link. If you choose to purchase the product I will earn a commission. I only recommend something to you if I’ve used it myself and think it is well worth the value. This is one of those products! And it’s very cool!

John Signature

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to chare your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

If you’d like more information on coaching and mastermind group opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.

Episode 13 – The Power of Asking Questions & Baby Carrots – “What If”?

The Power of Asking Questions – What If?

John Asks – “What If?”

In this Solo Episode I share with you some thought provoking and business growing questions you can ask your prospects and clients and some questions you can ask yourself about your attitudes about money.

It all started from remembering an interaction I had with a couple of people at a marketing conference when someone asked me out of the blue:

“Is there anything I can do to help you”?

When is the last time someone asked if they could help you instead of asking you for something?

It got me thinking about the power of questions. Proof of this is I still remember that interaction 2+ years later!

I also share some stories about Baby Carrots and Chocolate Diamonds and how looking at situations and asking How Can I look at this from a different angle? Where’s the opportunity? and how it can create opportunities for you

Other Questions Asked:

How can I learn from people who have money and can make money?

What are my attitudes about money? Is my attitude about money and the people who have it getting in the way of my being able to make more for myself and my family?

The Voice Over Marketing Mastermind Group

I mentioned there are some openings in the Voice Over Marketing Mastermind Group. Click here to learn more and access an application.

Announcing “Meldawg’s Book Club”

Meldawg In the Woods

Years ago after a station concert I was imbibing a few beers with some colleagues at local pub when they – for some unknown reason – started referring to me as… (Click here to read more)

The Show Keeps GROWING!

We’ve had 6,139 downloads as of this writing! Thanks for continuing to spread the word!

The Voice Over “Definition” T-Shirt!

Voice Over “Definition” T-Shirt

This Episode is sponsored by the Voice Over Definition T-Shirt. Let your clothing do the talking for YOU for a change!

I had a brainstorm and came up with these designs. Fun T-Shirts that shout out and define what you do… literally!

Have fun and order one for you and a friend right now! All orders fulfilled by

Recommended Resource!

Do you spend your days (and nights?) staring at computer monitors and hand held devices? Have you noticed that it’s affecting your vision? You know I’m BIG into peak performance and health/wellness.

Z-health is the company that developed the training system that I use with my trainer to stay flexible. First and foremost, Z-health is a complete training system that puts you back in control of your own performance. By using the nervous system to rapidly “debug” your movement patterns, you can create lightning-fast improvements in performance. (Plus pain relief, injury prevention, and mindset.)

As an educational company, the goal of Z-Health Performance is to help create professionals in the top 1% of their respective fields.

They’ve recently developed a Product called “The Vision Gym” It is VERY Cool! If you’re finding it harder to see then check this out…

This IS an Affiliate Link. If you choose to purchase the product I will earn a commission. I only recommend something to you if I’ve used it myself and think it is well worth the value. This is one of those products! And it’s very cool!

John Signature

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to chare your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

If you’d like more information on coaching and mastermind group opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.

Episode 12 with Rodney Saulsberry

Rodney Saulsberry


Rodney Saulsberry

My Guest for this Episode is Rodney Saulsberry, the voice of choice for behind-the scenes narration. This Detroit native and University of Michigan Graduate, is one of the premier voice-over talents in the country. He is also a published author with two bestselling books, You Can Bank on Your Voice and Step Up to the Mic.

Saulsberry’s distinctive announcer voice is literally everywhere. He has announced promos for the ABC hit Dancing With The Stars and the ABC critically acclaimed Charlie Brown Christmas Special. He announced the 34th NAACP Image Awards and the Essence Awards specials on FOX Television and voiced promos for the Grammy Awards and Country Music Awards for CBS.

As one of the top trailer voices in the business, Rodney’s voice has promoted many favorites: Red Tails, Tupac Resurrection, How Stella Got Her Groove Back, Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Friday After Next, Drumline, Undercover Brother, The Best Man, Dumb & Dumberer, Finding Forrester, Soul Food, Crooklyn, and many more. Black Enterprise Magazine called Saulsberry “The voice of choice for behind-the-scenes-narration.”

During Our Conversation We Discuss:

  • Rodney’s Journey to becoming a Premiere Voice Actor
  • How Rodney Markets his Business
  • The Source of his greatest sense of fulfillment in his career
  • How he ALWAYS stays employed
  • How “Speaking His Truth” Gives him the confidence to promote himself
  • The Consultants Club
  • His Voice Over App and
  • Much More!

Connect with Rodney Saulsberry

Web Site:


The Consultant’s Club. Click Here


A1 Voice App

To get Rodney’s A1 Voice App scan this code – FREE!:


Announcing “Meldawg’s Book Club”


Meldawg In the Woods

Years ago after a station concert I was imbibing a few beers with some colleagues at local pub when they – for some unknown reason – started referring to me as… (Click here to read more)

The Show Keeps GROWING!

We’ve had 5227 downloads as of this writing! Thanks for continuing to spread the word!

Recommended Resource!

Do you spend your days (and nights?) staring at computer monitors and hand held devices? Have you noticed that it’s affecting your vision? You know I’m BIG into peak performance and health/wellness.

Z-health is the company that developed the training system that I use with my trainer to stay flexible. First and foremost, Z-health is a complete training system that puts you back in control of your own performance. By using the nervous system to rapidly “debug” your movement patterns, you can create lightning-fast improvements in performance. (Plus pain relief, injury prevention, and mindset.)

As an educational company, the goal of Z-Health Performance is to help create professionals in the top 1% of their respective fields.

They’ve recently developed a Product called “The Vision Gym” It is VERY Cool! If you’re finding it harder to see then check this out…

This IS an Affiliate Link. If you choose to purchase the product I will earn a commission. I only recommend something to you if I’ve used it myself and think it is well worth the value. This is one of those products! And it’s very cool!

John Signature

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to chare your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

If you’d like more information on coaching and mastermind group opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.