Author Archives: John Melley

Episode 11 Special Guest Terry Daniel

Terry Daniel

Terry Daniel is a full time voice actor and coach, who first got started in voiceovers during his

Terry Daniel

Terry Daniel

earlier radio and theater days, in the early 90’s. He toured with the Sam Sheppard play, “True West”, where he played the role of Austin.

These days, he can be found in his home studio recording commercials/narrations for clients all over the country. His niche is theme park announcements and eLearning narration.

He is also known as a social media expert and credits facebook and twitter for taking his career to the next level. He also helps people who are passionate about learning voiceovers and enjoys teaching the craft.

During Our Conversation we discuss:

  • Using Social Media
  • How to use YouTube to generate business
  • The Power of Using Coaches to grow your business and other interests
  • The Importance of Marketing
  • and Much More

You Can reach Terry at:

To Watch Terry’s Halloween YouTube Video Click Here

The Voice Over Cafe Podcast


Connect With Me!

Announcing the Voice Mail feature. Take a look at the orange button running along the right side of the screen ——–>. Click the button and use your computer’s microphone to leave me a message up to 90 seconds in duration. You might make the show!

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

The Voice Over Marketing Mastermind Group

In case you’re thinking … “Should I do this? Will this be worth it?” or something like that… Let me share a brief story with you about my own experience with Mastermind Groups….

I remember the first Mastermind Group I joined was $300 per month and I remember wondering how I would do it, but I also knew that I could benefit from having other people see opportunities in my business that I was too close to seeing for myself.

It turned into one of the best decisions I ever made for my business. One idea from my Mastermind Group turned into a 6 figure business idea.

I can’t promise you’ll have the same results. You will have to do some work. It will not be handed to you.

But I CAN Promise you this:

You will gain insights into your present business you’ve never had before. Opportunities you’ve never seen will be developed. You will enjoy working with and supporting others all with the mutual goal of growing and supporting each others businesses.

I know once you are a member and participating in all the great ideas and exchanges from a mastermind group you will see it is well worth this investment.

Click Here to learn more.

Announcing “Meldawg’s Book Club”


Meldawg In the Woods

Years ago after a station concert I was imbibing a few beers with some colleagues at local pub when they – for some unknown reason – started referring to me as… (Click here to read more)

The Show Keeps GROWING!

We’ve had 4838 downloads as of this writing! Thanks for continuing to spread the word!

Recommended Resource!

Do you spend your days (and nights?) staring at computer monitors and hand held devices? Have you noticed that it’s affecting your vision? You know I’m BIG into peak performance and health/wellness.

Z-health is the company that developed the training system that I use with my trainer to stay flexible. First and foremost, Z-health is a complete training system that puts you back in control of your own performance. By using the nervous system to rapidly “debug” your movement patterns, you can create lightning-fast improvements in performance. (Plus pain relief, injury prevention, and mindset.)

As an educational company, the goal of Z-Health Performance is to help create professionals in the top 1% of their respective fields.

They’ve recently developed a Product called “The Vision Gym” It is VERY Cool! If you’re finding it harder to see then check this out…

This IS an Affiliate Link. If you choose to purchase the product I will earn a commission. I only recommend something to you if I’ve used it myself and think it is well worth the value. This is one of those products! And it’s very cool!

John Signature

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to chare your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

If you’d like more information on coaching and mastermind group opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.

Episode 10 The Power of Planning and Having a Vision for your Business

Shop Amazon – Blockbusters Movies on Blu-ray and DVD

My Interview with Special Guest Rob Berkley

Rob Berkley is an executive coach, consultant and adviser to owners and leaders of fast-growing rb_st_sml_sqcompanies. He is also the co-developer of Vision Day®, the acclaimed strategic planning program that has helped hundreds of people identify their passion to live an extraordinary life.A former corporate executive for companies such as Bankers Trust, Simon&Schuster and Pearson and board member of public and private companies, he is the co-founder of the Entrepreneur-to-CEO Mastermind that advises the owners of successful entrepreneurial ventures.  He is married to Debbie Phillips, the founder of Women on Fire®, and they live in Naples, Florida and on Martha’s Vineyard.

During our Conversation Rob and I discuss.

  • The Importance of Clarity
  • Moving Swiftly – Taking Action
  • What’s The Next Meaningful step or action?
  • Making Transitions
  • Writing Your Goals and more

I know you’ll enjoy the knowledge and insight Rob will share with us.

Connect With Rob Berkley

Connect With Me!

Announcing the Voice Mail feature. Take a look at the orange button running along the right side of the screen ——–>. Click the button and use your computer’s microphone to leave me a message up to 90 seconds in duration. You might make the show!

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

3030 Task Management App. Link:

The Voice Over Marketing Mastermind Group

In case you’re thinking … “Should I do this? Will this be worth it?” or something like that… Let me share a brief story with you about my own experience with Mastermind Groups….

I remember the first Mastermind Group I joined was $300 per month and I remember wondering how I would do it, but I also knew that I could benefit from having other people see opportunities in my business that I was too close to seeing for myself.

It turned into one of the best decisions I ever made for my business. One idea from my Mastermind Group turned into a 6 figure business idea.

I can’t promise you’ll have the same results. You will have to do some work. It will not be handed to you.

But I CAN Promise you this:

You will gain insights into your present business you’ve never had before. Opportunities you’ve never seen will be developed. You will enjoy working with and supporting others all with the mutual goal of growing and supporting each others businesses.

I know once you are a member and participating in all the great ideas and exchanges from a mastermind group you will see it is well worth this investment.

Click Here to learn more.

Announcing “Meldawg’s Book Club”


Meldawg In the Woods

Years ago after a station concert I was imbibing a few beers with some colleagues at local pub when they – for some unknown reason – started referring to me as… (Click here to read more)

The Show Keeps GROWING!

We’ve had 3908 downloads as of this writing! Thanks for continuing to spread the word!

Recommended Resource!

Do you spend your days (and nights?) staring at computer monitors and hand held devices? Have you noticed that it’s affecting your vision? You know I’m BIG into peak performance and health/wellness.

Z-health is the company that developed the training system that I use with my trainer to stay flexible. First and foremost, Z-health is a complete training system that puts you back in control of your own performance. By using the nervous system to rapidly “debug” your movement patterns, you can create lightning-fast improvements in performance. (Plus pain relief, injury prevention, and mindset.)

As an educational company, the goal of Z-Health Performance is to help create professionals in the top 1% of their respective fields.

They’ve recently developed a Product called “The Vision Gym” It is VERY Cool! If you’re finding it harder to see then check this out…

This IS an Affiliate Link. If you choose to purchase the product I will earn a commission. I only recommend something to you if I’ve used it myself and think it is well worth the value. This is one of those products! And it’s very cool!

John Signature

Recommended Reading

The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olson – Here’s a quick description from

“Why is it that some people make dream after dream come true, while others just continue dreaming and spend their lives building dreams for someone else?

One simple reason: those that are “successful” have found their SLIGHT EDGE!

The Slight Edge is not just another self-help, motivation tool of methods you must learn in order to make it up the path of success. It simply shows you how to create powerful results from the simple daily activities of your life, by using tools that are already within you.

What do you need to make that happen? Discover that one thing that will help you achieve that goal, realize a life-long dream or propel you up the ladder to success.

Once you’ve got it, then you will discover how your philosophy… creates your attitude… creates your actions… creates your results… creates YOUR LIFE!”

My First Amazon Kindle Book is NOW available Exclusively on Amazon Kindle!

The Book is an Introductory Guide to the world of Voice Overs for people relatively new to Voice Over. Or it’s for people exploring the possibility of beginning a Voice Over career/hobby.

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to chare your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

If you’d like more information on coaching and mastermind group opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.

TVOMP_Episode_009 Dave Courvoisier Interview

Shop Amazon – Blockbusters Movies on Blu-ray and DVD

“Amoredine,” Soggy Towels Vs. Scratchy Towels, and Being Present. Plus… My Interview with Special Guest Dave Courvoisier

Intro piece is a spoof spot I wrote and produced for a made up pharmaceutical called “Amoredine” – Tongue planted firmly in cheek.

Announcing the Voice Mail feature. Take a look at the orange button running along the right side of the screen ——–>. Click the button and use your computer’s microphone to leave me a message up to 90 seconds in duration. You might make the show!

Announcing “Meldawg’s Book Club”


Meldawg In the Woods

Years ago after a station concert I was imbibing a few beers with some colleagues at local pub when they – for some unknown reason – started referring to me as… (Click here to read more)

Being “Present”

Don’t be “This Guy.”


Don’t be “This Guy”

A past instructor of mine Alex Case posted something on facebook the other day describing the pictured activity where people shove their smartphones in the air to capture moments from a concert – and blocking the view of others.

His post combined with a comment during my interview with Dave Courvoisier generated a series of thoughts I had about the tension of technology and being present to the moment.

By the way, in the episode I mention a book written by Alex Case that I think is a fantastic resource for anyone recording and producing audio tracks.

Here’s a review I wrote on the book on

I’ve had the benefit of taking courses from the author prior to this book being published. As a result I know his teaching style. The author’s style and voice comes through loud and clear in the text. It’s enjoyable to read while you’re learning some rather complex subjects.

Coming from a non engineering background I find the explanations of concepts clear and the graphics used to illustrate the concepts extremely helpful. This text will be useful for those wishing to learn more about the science behind the art.

If you want to know things like how to add a touch of reverb to make a voice pop through a music bed without having to simply lower the volume of the music; this book will show you how to do that and other production techniques in a way a non-techie will understand. It will also explain ‘why’ it works.

Having said that, this is not a “Sound Effects for Dummies” book either. This book goes in-depth. It will benefit those who have a technical/engineering background and are more “into the math” of sound and acoustics as well.

Access to the website with audio examples and the samples that are used to further illustrate the concepts is an invaluable resource that obviously took time to compile.

Investing the $39.95 for the knowledge “Sound FX” contains is a “no brainer” for anyone seriously interested in learning more about the science of sound and sound design.

– John Melley,

Dave Courvoisier


Dave Courvoisier

Dave is a voice actor, blogger, TV news anchor, renaissance man, perspicacious & itinerant prospector of social media, father and husband.

For the last 30 years, Dave has risen in the ranks of local TV, earning Emmy’s for various aspects of reporting, producing, and anchoring.  He currently anchors the 5, 6, and 11 o’clock weekday newscasts at the CBS affiliate in Las Vegas, NV:  KLAS-TV.  Dave is a graduate of the prestigious Poynter Institute’s curriculum on “Digital Media Strategies for Today’s Newsroom Managers.”

During our conversation Dave and I discuss;

  • His career
  • Using Social Media in Marketing
  • World Voices
  • Being Present
  • Tips on using social media for YOUR business and more.

Dave is also the marketing director for, and, and serves on the Executive Board of World-Voices Organization, a Voice Talent Industry Trade Association.

Here’s how you can Connect with Dave:

Dave Courvoisier, Voice Actor
Las Vegas, NV
ISDN & Source Connect
Listen to Dave’s Demo NOW
Follow Dave on Twitter 
Friend Dave on FaceBook
See Dave’s profile on LinkedIn
Dave’s VO Blog: Voice-Acting in Vegas
Dave’s YouTube Channel

This Episode is Sponsored by the Voice Over Virtual Conference.

If you’d like to learn more about Voice Over Virtual, here’s an affiliate link to the site:


The Show Keeps GROWING!

We’ve had 3194 downloads as of this writing! Thanks for continuing to spread the word!

Recommended Resource!

Do you spend your days (and nights?) staring at computer monitors and hand held devices? Have you noticed that it’s affecting your vision? You know I’m BIG into peak performance and health/wellness.

Z-health is the company that developed the training system that I use with my trainer to stay flexible. First and foremost, Z-health is a complete training system that puts you back in control of your own performance. By using the nervous system to rapidly “debug” your movement patterns, you can create lightning-fast improvements in performance. (Plus pain relief, injury prevention, and mindset.)

As an educational company, the goal of Z-Health Performance is to help create professionals in the top 1% of their respective fields.

They’ve recently developed a Product called “The Vision Gym” It is VERY Cool! If you’re finding it harder to see then check this out…

This IS an Affiliate Link. If you choose to purchase the product I will earn a commission. I only recommend something to you if I’ve used it myself and think it is well worth the value. This is one of those products! And it’s very cool!

John Signature

Recommended Reading

The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olson – Here’s a quick description from

“Why is it that some people make dream after dream come true, while others just continue dreaming and spend their lives building dreams for someone else?

One simple reason: those that are “successful” have found their SLIGHT EDGE!

The Slight Edge is not just another self-help, motivation tool of methods you must learn in order to make it up the path of success. It simply shows you how to create powerful results from the simple daily activities of your life, by using tools that are already within you.

What do you need to make that happen? Discover that one thing that will help you achieve that goal, realize a life-long dream or propel you up the ladder to success.

Once you’ve got it, then you will discover how your philosophy… creates your attitude… creates your actions… creates your results… creates YOUR LIFE!”

My First Amazon Kindle Book is NOW available Exclusively on Amazon Kindle!

The Book is an Introductory Guide to the world of Voice Overs for people relatively new to Voice Over. Or it’s for people exploring the possibility of beginning a Voice Over career/hobby.

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to chare your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

If you’d like more information on coaching and mastermind group opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.

Episode_008 Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income

Note About this Episode’s Opening Music:

Here are the Lyrics to the last verse of the tune “Time Stand Still” by the band RUSH. I thought they were appropriate since we’re moving from Summer into Fall… and boy does time fly!

Summer’s going fast, nights growing colder
Children growing up, old friends growing older
Freeze this moment a little bit longer
Make each sensation a little bit stronger
Experience slips away
Experience slips away…
The innocence slips away

Lyrics by Neil Peart. Vocals by Geddy Lee and Aimee Mann. Drums by Peart. Bass and keyboards by Lee. Guitar by Lifeson

Creating Wow Experiences for Your Clients… With a Shaving Kit?

In Episode 1 of this podcast I talked about setting yourself apart from your competition and creating a “Godiva Zone” for your business. You do it in the way you present yourself and your services. How you set yourself apart.

A few weeks ago I received a gift from a client of mine, Dr. David Scharf. I had sent some DVDs and CDs to David. I received a notice in my P.O. Box that I had a package waiting for me at the UPS Store that I needed to pick up.

I like getting packages as much as anybody, so I drove over the next day and got the box. I opened it up to find this:


It’s a shaving kit from “The Art of Shaving” Look how they’ve taken something as mundane as your daily shaving routine and made it oh so classy.

The box was wrapped with a ribbon. There was a note from my client, a brochure about the products, coupons, an invitation to join “The Brotherhood of Shaving” (very clever) and then, of course the products in the kit; shaving oil, a brush, lathering lotion and moisturizer. All packaged in a way like you still felt “like a guy.”

Kicks butt over the rows of bottles of shaving cream stacked on shelves in your local drugstore.

It also was very kind and gracious of my client to send it to me. He was thoughtful. I was impressed. I wrote him a thank you note – not an email – a note.

That’s setting yourself apart. How can you do the same in your business?

My Guest this Episode is Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income


Pat Flynn

Pat is a beloved thought leader in the areas of online entrepreneurship, digital marketing, and lifestyle businesses. He is routinely celebrated for his transparent leadership style and authentic principles. Pat overcame career adversity at an early age by finding his own path and true passion. Despite his success in business, Pat’s greatest joys are spending time with his family and friends as well as helping inspire and educate others on how to succeed with their own entrepreneurial careers.

Pat has been featured in The New York Times and Forbes Magazine for his accomplishments, and has recently been enjoying talking about his story and business strategies in front of large crowds at various conferences and events in the United States.

In my conversation with Pat, we discuss:

  • How You Can Create Passive Income for Your Business
  • The Importance of Research before creating products and services
  • Why you shouldn’t worry about “Someone stealing your ideas.”
  • Pat’s book: “Let Go” and the importance of having courage to go after what you want
  • and more

Contact Pat at:

Smart Passive Income or Pat

Pat Flynn’s Best Selling Book “Let Go”

Book Recommended by Pat Flynn

This Episode is Sponsored by the Voice Over Virtual Conference.

If you’d like to learn more about Voice Over Virtual, here’s an affiliate link to the site:


The Show Keeps GROWING!

We’ve had 3194 downloads as of this writing! Thanks for continuing to spread the word!

Recommended Resource!

Do you spend your days (and nights?) staring at computer monitors and hand held devices? Have you noticed that it’s affecting your vision? You know I’m BIG into peak performance and health/wellness.

Z-health is the company that developed the training system that I use with my trainer to stay flexible. First and foremost, Z-health is a complete training system that puts you back in control of your own performance. By using the nervous system to rapidly “debug” your movement patterns, you can create lightning-fast improvements in performance. (Plus pain relief, injury prevention, and mindset.)

As an educational company, the goal of Z-Health Performance is to help create professionals in the top 1% of their respective fields.

They’ve recently developed a Product called “The Vision Gym” It is VERY Cool! If you’re finding it harder to see then check this out…

This IS an Affiliate Link. If you choose to purchase the product I will earn a commission. I only recommend something to you if I’ve used it myself and think it is well worth the value. This is one of those products! And it’s very cool!

John Signature

Recommended Reading

The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olson – Here’s a quick description from

“Why is it that some people make dream after dream come true, while others just continue dreaming and spend their lives building dreams for someone else?

One simple reason: those that are “successful” have found their SLIGHT EDGE!

The Slight Edge is not just another self-help, motivation tool of methods you must learn in order to make it up the path of success. It simply shows you how to create powerful results from the simple daily activities of your life, by using tools that are already within you.

What do you need to make that happen? Discover that one thing that will help you achieve that goal, realize a life-long dream or propel you up the ladder to success.

Once you’ve got it, then you will discover how your philosophy… creates your attitude… creates your actions… creates your results… creates YOUR LIFE!”

My First Amazon Kindle Book is NOW available Exclusively on Amazon Kindle!

The Book is an Introductory Guide to the world of Voice Overs for people relatively new to Voice Over. Or it’s for people exploring the possibility of beginning a Voice Over career/hobby.

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to chare your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

If you’d like more information on coaching and mastermind group opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.

Episode_007 Protecting Your Voice

Protecting Your Number One Business Asset… Your VOICE!

My guest today is Dr. Ahmed Abdelal a speech language pathologist and we’ll be talking about the health of your voice.


Dr. Ahmed Abdelal

  • What the pitch of your voice may indicate for health problems
  • How we communicate with pitch changes in our voice and how early we start to learn how to do this
  • How Drs are using voice recordings to diagnose Parkinson’s Disease way in advance of other tests
  • Peak hours for voice over performance
  • Massage for your voice
  • 3rd hand smoke!?
  • How sleep repairs your voice and much more.

I think you’re really going to enjoy it so please stay tuned for that.

This Episode is Sponsored by the Voice Over Virtual Conference.

If you’d like to learn more about Voice Over Virtual, here’s an affiliate link to the site:


The Show Keeps GROWING!

We’ve had 2169 downloads as of this writing! Thanks for continuing to spread the word!

Marketing Tip: Defining Your Target Customer

To define your target customer, ask yourself “Who do you want to serve”? This is something I go into great detail in my presentation at the Voice Over Virtual, but defining who you want as your customer can do great things for your business.

You can’t be all things to all people. Who do you like to be around? Who’s your ideal client? What interests do they have – hobbies? What do they read? Are they civic minded, politically active – which way – lib/conservative? Do they exercise?

Create Paths of Entry

Knowing this allows you to introduce these interests in your marketing and makes you more relatable to them. They share common interests and you’re more like them. People like to do business with people they know, like and trust. People like people who have similar interests. This is called a “Path of Entry”

Drill Down

For example, one of my interests is music – particularly rock music. To narrow it down further, progressive rock and ultimately the band Rush. Tangentially I love drumming and percussion because I play the drums. Anyone who knows anything about Rush, knows their drummer Neil Peart is probably one of the best rock drummers of all time.

So, if you or someone else were to send me something that had information about drumming, or particularly the band Rush or Neil Peart, I would stop and pay attention to whatever that thing is.

If you can relate on that level to a target audience you want to work with as clients you will do more business and you can charge more for a defined market rather than trying to appeal to everyone.

Don’t Appeal to the Masses

A good example – most fast food burger places appeal to the masses and the sell a lot of burgers at really low prices.

Mooo Restaurant on Beacon Hill in Boston isn’t about appealing to the masses. They’re gonna sell you yes… higher quality food, premium Single Malt Scotches and steaks at higher prices, but they’re also going to give you a fantastic dining experience and their marketing appeals to people who are willing to pay for that. And more importantly they know where to strategically place that marketing in places they know where their target audience will see it.

Take some time and think about who you want to work with and define that. It’s huge. It also makes your business more fun and helps you to actually say no to people and opportunities that aren’t a good fit.

Next episode I’ll tackle another marketing basic for you. If you have a question, or comment, please submit them here!

Next episode I’ll tackle another marketing basic for you. If you have a question, or comment, please submit them at the episode at Voice Over

Recommended Resource!

Do you spend your days (and nights?) staring at computer monitors and hand held devices? Have you noticed that it’s affecting your vision? You know I’m BIG into peak performance and health/wellness.

Z-health is the company that developed the training system that I use with my trainer to stay flexible. First and foremost, Z-health is a complete training system that puts you back in control of your own performance. By using the nervous system to rapidly “debug” your movement patterns, you can create lightning-fast improvements in performance. (Plus pain relief, injury prevention, and mindset.)

As an educational company, the goal of Z-Health Performance is to help create professionals in the top 1% of their respective fields.

They’ve recently developed a Product called “The Vision Gym” It is VERY Cool! If you’re finding it harder to see then check this out…

This IS an Affiliate Link. If you choose to purchase the product I will earn a commission. I only recommend something to you if I’ve used it myself and think it is well worth the value. This is one of those products! And it’s very cool!

John Signature

Recommended Reading

The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olson – Here’s a quick description from

“Why is it that some people make dream after dream come true, while others just continue dreaming and spend their lives building dreams for someone else?

One simple reason: those that are “successful” have found their SLIGHT EDGE!

The Slight Edge is not just another self-help, motivation tool of methods you must learn in order to make it up the path of success. It simply shows you how to create powerful results from the simple daily activities of your life, by using tools that are already within you.

What do you need to make that happen? Discover that one thing that will help you achieve that goal, realize a life-long dream or propel you up the ladder to success.

Once you’ve got it, then you will discover how your philosophy… creates your attitude… creates your actions… creates your results… creates YOUR LIFE!”

My First Amazon Kindle Book is NOW available Exclusively on Amazon Kindle!

The Book is an Introductory Guide to the world of Voice Overs for people relatively new to Voice Over. Or it’s for people exploring the possibility of beginning a Voice Over career/hobby.

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to chare your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

If you’d like more information on coaching and mastermind group opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.

Episode_6 John Florian from VoiceOver Xtra

John Florian Discusses The Upcoming Voice Over Virtual Conference

John Florian-2-tie

John Florian

We have none other than John Florian, the founder of as our guest today. We’ll be talking about the upcoming Voice Over Virtual – the online Voice Over Conference being put together and hosted by Voice Over Xtra. This event is going to be really cool so I know you’re going to want to learn all about it.

I’m actually going to be a presenter at the Conference. John and his Marketing Director Martha Kahn reached out to me a while back and asked if I would put together a presentation and we’ll talk more about that in my conversation with John. It’s the first time I will be sharing this material. I’m going to be peeling back the curtain on some of the key strategies I’ve used to build my business.

If you’d like to learn more about Voice Over Virtual, here’s an affiliate link to the site.


The Show Keeps GROWING!

We’ve had 1555 downloads as of this writing and your comments have been very positive. Thanks for continuing to spread the word!

I Get Email


Chris Thom of

I received several  messages from folks saying they’re enjoying the podcast. Here’s one I received from Chris Thom of

Chris writes:

Hey John,

I just wanted to let you know that I’m really enjoying the podcast and the guests you have on.
Since you’ve asked for feedback I thought I’d offer this. I know for myself and probably others out there if you could have one or maybe several episodes addressing VO marketing basics; coming up with a marketing plan, cold calling, etc.

I know for myself when it comes to all this it feels a bit overwhelming in knowing where to start. Just a suggestion all in all I think you’re doing a great job.

– Chris Thom

First of all, Chris thanks for listening and for your great note and the feedback. One thing that keeps coming to mind is you need to define “WHY” you’re in this adventure of starting and growing a voice over business?

The “So That” Technique.

Here’s a technique I learned a few years ago that helps people get to the root of their “why”. It’s called the “So That” technique.

Here’s how it works. Sit with a friend or colleague and have them ask you the question “Why do you want to have a successful Voice Over business”?

Give them your answer and have them ask you “So that…” and you answer that question

For example your answer to Why you want a VO business may be: I enjoy doing character voices and I want to make money doing so.

So that you can… I can make more money.

So that you can… I can leave my current job

So that you can… I can use my talents and gifts to earn an income to support my family

So that you can… I can spend my time doing things I enjoy

So that you can… I can spend more time with my kids

You get the idea. It helps you really define why this is important to you. It may sound squishy, but if you don’t have that defined, all the marketing techniques and plans won’t be as effective than if you do have it defined.

In a couple of episodes my guest is going to be Rob Berkley, the creator of Vision Day and we’re going to be talking all about this topic so you’ll want to stay tuned for that.

Next episode I’ll tackle another marketing basic for you. If you have a question, or comment, please submit them at the episode at Voice Over

Recommended Resource!

Do you spend your days (and nights?) staring at computer monitors and hand held devices? Have you noticed that it’s affecting your vision? You know I’m BIG into peak performance and health/wellness.

Z-health is the company that developed the training system that I use with my trainer to stay flexible. First and foremost, Z-health is a complete training system that puts you back in control of your own performance. By using the nervous system to rapidly “debug” your movement patterns, you can create lightning-fast improvements in performance. (Plus pain relief, injury prevention, and mindset.)

As an educational company, the goal of Z-Health Performance is to help create professionals in the top 1% of their respective fields.

They’ve recently developed a Product called “The Vision Gym” It is VERY Cool! If you’re finding it harder to see then check this out…

This IS an Affiliate Link. If you choose to purchase the product I will earn a commission. I only recommend something to you if I’ve used it myself and think it is well worth the value. This is one of those products! And it’s very cool!

John Signature

Recommended Reading

The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olson – Here’s a quick description from

“Why is it that some people make dream after dream come true, while others just continue dreaming and spend their lives building dreams for someone else?

One simple reason: those that are “successful” have found their SLIGHT EDGE!

The Slight Edge is not just another self-help, motivation tool of methods you must learn in order to make it up the path of success. It simply shows you how to create powerful results from the simple daily activities of your life, by using tools that are already within you.

What do you need to make that happen? Discover that one thing that will help you achieve that goal, realize a life-long dream or propel you up the ladder to success.

Once you’ve got it, then you will discover how your philosophy… creates your attitude… creates your actions… creates your results… creates YOUR LIFE!”

My First Amazon Kindle Book is NOW available Exclusively on Amazon Kindle!

The Book is an Introductory Guide to the world of Voice Overs for people relatively new to Voice Over. Or it’s for people exploring the possibility of beginning a Voice Over career/hobby.

 Show Sponsors:vday_large_iris

Vision Day the 1 Day Strategic Planning Day for your life. Very powerful. I did one a few years ago and it has had a profound impact on my life and my business. You can find more information about Vision Day at Vision

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to chare your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

If you’d like more information on coaching and mastermind group opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.

TVOMP_005: Are You Expecting Too Much From Your Marketing?

My guest today is Tom Collins an expert in Direct Marketing.132429_491322582730_201188_o

This interview is a bit different. I want to make a couple of points before we dive in. Tom does a lot in the direct response world. He did a lot of classified advertising. Try to see how the broader themes of how he approaches marketing can apply to marketing our voice over businesses.

Key Themes to listen for:

  • Each piece of marketing is designed to take your prospective client to the next step – answer their questions
  • Don’t try to over leverage your marketing – Sometime people want one piece of marketing to do a lot of things, like attract a customer, answer objections and close business. That rarely happens
  • Listen to how he talks about leveraging relationships and networks to position you in a way to take yourself out of being considered a “Voice Over Commodity.”
  • Finally Tom talks about the importance of Mindset in growing your business and how some people hold themselves back from really growing their businesses because of where they place mental limits on their income.

Tom has worked with some big names and big numbers. Some of the revenue figures he talks about when working with clients may make you shake your head.

Don’t be intimidated by it. Listen to how he talks about mindset and how you can take your business to the next level.

There are some great nuggets of info in our conversation and I know you’re going to want to listen to this show at least a couple of times and share it with your friends.

Another thing Tom was on his cell phone and I think he called in from vacation to be on the show so big thanks to Tom for taking time away to do this.

Tom Collins Resources and Contact Info

Tom Collins’ 8 Figure Business

8 Figure Bootcamp


I’m happy to announce that I am going to be a presenter at the Voice Over Virtual Conference being put together by the folks at John Florian and his Marketing Director Martha Kahn reached out to me a while back and asked if I would put together a presentation.

My presentation is going to be: How To Build a 6 Figure Voice Over Business: Without Spending Your Entire Day Auditioning On Line.

I’m putting that presentation together now and it’s the first time I will be presenting it. I’m going to be peeling back the curtain on some of the key strategies I used to build that business during the presentation. Should be fun so I encourage you to watch for details on when and how you can register for that Virtual conference – it’s all happening on line, so this is exciting.

And speaking of Voice Over Virtual, my guest for the NEXT episode is going to be John Florian himself the founder of and we’ll be talking all about the Voice Over Virtual Conference where you can learn about all their exciting plans.

I’ve also lined up several interviews for upcoming episodes – we’ve got a lot of very smart and interesting people lined up so I hope you’ll stay tuned and spread the word.

Recommended Reading

The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olson – Here’s a quick description from

“Why is it that some people make dream after dream come true, while others just continue dreaming and spend their lives building dreams for someone else?

One simple reason: those that are “successful” have found their SLIGHT EDGE!

The Slight Edge is not just another self-help, motivation tool of methods you must learn in order to make it up the path of success. It simply shows you how to create powerful results from the simple daily activities of your life, by using tools that are already within you.

What do you need to make that happen? Discover that one thing that will help you achieve that goal, realize a life-long dream or propel you up the ladder to success.

Once you’ve got it, then you will discover how your philosophy… creates your attitude… creates your actions… creates your results… creates YOUR LIFE!”

My First Amazon Kindle Book is NOW available Exclusively on Amazon Kindle!

The Book is an Introductory Guide to the world of Voice Overs for people relatively new to Voice Over.  Or it’s for people exploring the possibility of beginning a Voice Over career/hobby.

Show Sponsors:vday_large_iris

Vision Day the 1 Day Strategic Planning Day for your life. Very powerful. I did one a few years ago and it has had a profound impact on my life and my business. You can find more information about Vision Day at Vision

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to chare your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

Also, if you’d like more information on coaching and mastermind group opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.

TVOMP_004: The Marketing and Profit Power of Newsletters

Jim Palmer, The Newsletter Guru

Jim Palmer, The Newsletter Guru

We have a fantastic guest on the program. His name is Jim Palmer also known as the Newsletter Guru and we’re going to be talking about the power of a great customer newsletter and how it can create better clients who spend more and generate referrals for your business.  I know you’re going to enjoy it.

Jim Palmer is a marketing and business building expert and host of Newsletter Guru TV, the hit weekly Web TV show watched by thousands of entrepreneurs and small business owners. Jim is also the host Stick Like Glue Radio, a weekly podcast based on Jim’s unique smart marketing and business building strategies. Jim is best known internationally as ‘The Newsletter Guru’- the go-to resource for maximizing the profitability of customer relationships. Jim is the founder of Custom Newsletters, Incorporated, parent company of:

  • No Hassle Newsletters
  •  No Hassle Social Media
  •  Success Advantage Publishing
  •  Concierge Print and Mail on Demand
  •  Custom Article Generator
  •  Double My Retention
  •  The Magnetic Attraction & Retention System

Jim is also the acclaimed author of four great books: (Links to Books on Below)

  • The Magic of Newsletter Marketing – The Secret to More Profits and Customers for Life
  • Stick Like Glue – How to Create an Everlasting Bond With Your Customers So They Spend More,Stay Longer, and Refer More
  • The Fastest Way to Higher Profits – 19 Immediate Profit-Enhancing Strategies You Can Use Today
  • It’s Okay To Be Scared – But Never Give Up

No Hassle Newsletters:

Learn more about Jim at Http://
Facebook: Http://
Pinterest: Jim Palmer – The Newsletter Guru
YouTube: Http://

Jim Palmer’s Books

 My First Amazon Kindle Book is NOW available Exclusively on Amazon Kindle!

The Book is an Introductory Guide to the world of Voice Overs for people relatively new to Voice Over.  Or it’s for people exploring the possibility of beginning a Voice Over career/hobby.

Show Sponsors:vday_large_iris

Vision Day the 1 Day Strategic Planning Day for your life. Very powerful. I did one a few years ago and it has had a profound impact on my life and my business. You can find more information about Vision Day at Vision

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to chare your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

Also, if you’d like more information on coaching and mastermind group opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.


TVOMP_003 Are You Your Own Customer?

Episode 3:


Special Guest Greg Elwell

The guest on Episode 3 is Greg Elwell, a writer and thought leader helping content marketers grow their businesses. I had a great conversation with Greg that I know you’re going to get a lot from.

We talk about being authentic with yourself and your clients to grow a business you enjoy. We also discuss treating yourself as your customer – but not in the way you might initially think. There are some terrific nuggets in our conversation that I really think you’ll enjoy, so please stay tuned for that.

Boston Marathon:OneFundBoston

If you’d like to do something for the wounded or their families, please join me and consider making a donation to One Fund All the money raised will go directly to the survivors and families of those killed. As of this posting it has raised more than $27 million in 2 weeks since the attacks. Truly remarkable.

Here’s a link to One Fund

Thank You!

Greg Elwell’s Contact Information:

Greg’s Website:

Link to Greg’s Expert Interviews Podcast:

Twitter: @gregelwell

Resources Mentioned:

Early to Rise Amazon Kindle book:

My First Amazon Kindle Book is NOW available Exclusively on Amazon Kindle!

The Book is an Introductory Guide to the world of Voice Overs for people relatively new to Voice Over.  Or it’s for people exploring the possibility of beginning a Voice Over career/hobby.

Tattly Designy (temporary tattoos, started as a “side project”)

This might be an interesting/inspirational link to share. It’s Tina Ross Eisenberg’s talk about side projects (one of which was Tattly):

Show Sponsors:vday_large_iris

Vision Day the 1 Day Strategic Planning Day for your life. Very powerful. I did one a few years ago and it has had a profound impact on my life and my business. You can find more information about Vision Day at Vision

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to chare your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

Also, if you’d like more information on coaching and mastermind group opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.

TVOMP 002: The Power of Association and Derek Chappell Interview

In this episode I share some thoughts about “Attitude and success” and Association – Who you “hang around with” and how it can affect your success.

I also interview Voice Over Talent and Attorney, Derek Chappell about social media and Twitter and ways that he’s used them to grow his voice over business.

Thoughts on The Power of Association

I heard marketing expert Frank Kern speak a couple of years ago and he talked about the importance of hanging out with the right people to help you achieve your goals. His example?

“If you hang out with a bunch of crackheads long enough, eventually you’re going to say ‘Hey, let me try some of that stuff.’ and BAM you’re a crackhead.”

Studies show that your income is the average of the 10 people you spend the most time with. We’re social creatures so we tend to morph to the groups we spend the most time with.

If you want to run a marathon, then it’s probably not a wise idea to spend a lot of time with people who spend their free time online in the basement playing video games ’til all hours of the morning while snacking on junk food.

If you want to quit smoking, it’s probably best to spend less time with those around you who still smoke.

If you want to start making more money, then it’s probably a good idea to start spending more time around folks who make more than you do.

This can be tough to do, particularly when close friends and family members start seeing you make changes. React they will. Some positively and some negatively.

Derek Chappell’s Interview ResourcesDerek profile picture

Here are the links to Derek Chappell’s web site and some of the social media tools that he uses and discusses during the interview.

Derek’s Web Sites and Social Media Pages:

Voiceover BlogTalk:

Social Media Tools:

Yoono is free software that allows you to connect and share with all your social networks and instant messaging services in one place.

Enhance your social media management with HootSuite, the leading social media dashboard.

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to chare your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

Also, if you’d like more information on coaching and mastermind group opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!